Olá Alunos do curso de Direito!

Informamos que, além da seleção da SESTAG que está sendo feita até o dia 30.04.2021 através do e-mail (informações no site do TRF2), está com 4 vagas disponíveis (1 de cota racial) para trabalhar neste gabinete.

O Juiz-Gestor das Turmas Recursais da Seção Judiciária do RJ foi reconduzido em Abril para o biênio 2021/2023 e necessita contratar de forma célere novos estagiários tendo em vista a necessidade de formar uma equipe maior. O trabalho desenvolvido no gabinete envolve elaboração de minutas e raciocínio jurídico alinhado com os precedentes do STF, STJ e TNU.

Os interessados deverão enviar seus currículos para este endereço ATÉ O DIA 06.05.2021 : 

A seleção será feita através de 4 questões e 1 redação, além da entrevista via ZOOM (para as melhores respostas). Os interessados que participarem desta seleção NÃO ESTÃO EXCLUÍDOS da seleção da SESTAG.

Seguem informações importantes acerca do ESTÁGIO:

Os interessados devem estar matriculados, a partir do 5º período, em uma das instituições de ensino conveniadas com o TRF2, além de enviar a ficha de inscrição, o histórico da faculdade com informação do coeficiente de rendimento acumulado (CRA – igual ou superior a 6,0) e currículo.

As inscrições devem ser feitas, exclusivamente, por meio de mensagem ao e-mail  até 06.05.2021, devendo anexar os documentos abaixo relacionados em pdf, com o nome completo do candidato e do curso:

a) cópia do Histórico da Faculdade atualizado e assinado, com informação do coeficiente de rendimento acumulado (CRA) igual ou superior a 6,0 (seis vírgula zero) pontos;

b) Currículo atualizado;

c) Ficha de inscrição disponibilizada em anexo devidamente preenchida e assinada manualmente ou digitalmente;

d) caso haja opção pelas vagas da cota racial, anexar também autodeclaração de cor de pele preenchida e assinada manualmente ou digitalmente, para fins de ingresso no Programa de Estágio por cota racial, conforme Resolução CNJ n° 336/2020 e Resolução n° TRF2-RSP-2021/00004.

Não serão aceitas inscrições de estudantes com documentos incompletos ou apresentadas em formato diverso ao solicitado.

Dados das vagas:

Carga horária: 20 horas semanais (4 horas diárias)
Bolsa-auxílio: R$ 800,00 mensais, incluídos neste valor a bolsa-auxílio e o auxílio-transporte (em caso de deslocamento) e R$ 621,80 mensais, se for atividade remota.

A critério da Administração poderá ser retomada a atividade presencial a qualquer momento, de forma que o estudante deverá observar que o estágio é para ser realizado na Seção Judiciária do Rio de Janeiro. Logo, deverá ser possível o deslocamento diário, sem prejuízo das atividades escolares.

Não fique de fora dessa!

The Signs of a New Marriage

A new marriage has energy, and the energy in a new position is generally a mix of sexual published here and psychological feelings. All those in the beginning of your relationship quite often experience intense thoughts, including improved sexual wishes. But as the partnership progresses, the energy in a new partner’s body changes. You could feel that your spouse feels envious, resentful, or ambivalent. These types of feelings are common in a new relationship.

Intense interest can cause one to overlook these signs of a new relationship. It can be necessary not to start up past undesirable experiences or mistrust right from a previous romance. It can build heartbreak in case you ignore the indications of new take pleasure in. It’s also important not to let your partner feel jealous of your personal feelings. If the partner may show indicators of unfaithfulness before, don’t have it in my opinion. The same goes for a new partner.

To avoid a new romance from turning toxic, take baby guidelines. Make sure you tend not to your new take pleasure in interest think uncomfortable. Even a small loving motion can go far. It shows that you are interested in the individual and are interested in their lifestyle. If your fresh love interest doesn’t be happy with you, make an effort to change your behavior. Start with baby steps and slowly build your intimacy. Don’t forget to have fun with your friends and family.

It is important to maintain your sense of self esteem in a new position. Although it could fine to talk about cute tales, mentioning him or her can discourage your new love interest. Instead, make an effort to keep your feelings to yourself. Keeping your feelings in check can help you avoid a disastrous new relationship. This will help you stay grounded and enjoy your brand-new partner’s organization. If you’re in a relationship with someone you’ve had a past with, be sure to show your value for your partner and for your self.

New romances are also called NREs. They are simply marked simply by high levels of energy, plus they can be very easily spotted in polyamorous forums. When these feelings can be found in a new position, the two persons involved happen to be essentially the same, and their interconnection is important. Moreover, a new relationship’s strength can make it difficult to maintain a relationship. But it surely is also crucial to maintain an ancient one. Both of them people occur to be dating include a history, which means that the existing one is essential to you.

Although being in a new relationship can be exciting and gratifying, do not let it take your time. Is actually okay to make mistakes in a new relationship, somebody to remain the case to yourself. Whether you’re in a relationship with another person or perhaps with yourself, you should never neglect the own requirements. You’ll be more content in the long run for anybody who is willing to take the time to be patient.

You are able to take advantage of the energy in a new relationship to fulfill other people and establish a close connection. During this period, it is important to consider the different facets of your partner. In a new relationship, you are likely to feel swept away by the new appreciate. But you also needs to remember that you need to be mindful of the existing partner’s needs. You should not neglect these people, as they are still important. Of course, if you’re in a relationship with someone who does not have the same worth as you, do not afraid to finish it.

The excitement of a new relationship can lead to a new relationship that ends up currently being monogamous. Nevertheless , a new romantic relationship may not be a monogamous or polyamorous you. Nevertheless, it is critical to remember that the existing connections are important and really should not become neglected. You must remember that you could have other people inside your life, as well as the love you share with these people is important for the purpose of both of you. You must invest in your relationships and not spend all your period thinking about your partner.

Becoming in a new romance is an exciting time for you both. There are lots of circumstances to explore, plus your partner will be excited about them. But you must also remember that a new relationship is certainly not a good time for you to make big decisions, and it’s a bad idea to overburden your companion with objectives. It’s not only a healthy romance for you as well as your partners. You must make smart decisions depending on the same conditions.

Resultados CPA 2020

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